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Iraqis Baby Breaks Medical History Record With 3 Penises


Iraqis Baby Breaks Medical History Record With 3 Penises

A team of Iraqis medical doctors has revealed that a recently born baby has broken medical history as he was born with three penises.

According to the doctors, he is the first-ever human to be born with such features.

The baby was reported to have been born three months ago in Duhok, Iraq. The condition is called triphallia.

According to the doctors, his parents discovered “two skin projections” at the base of his scrotum after which they took him to the hospital. The doctors were baffled when they discovered that they were penises.

One measured 2cm while the other was 1cm – only one of the penises had a head.

Only the child’s main penis was functioning, so the doctors carried our surgery to remove the other two penises.

The team, led by Dr Shakir Saleem Jabali, wrote in the International Journal of Surgery Case Reports: “Triphallia (three penises) is unreported condition in human until now.

“Patients with supernumerary penises have unique presentation and no cases are identical.

“Treatment is difficult because it poses medical, ethical, and cosmetic aspects. A combined multidisciplinary team is required for the management and long term follow up is required.

“Excision or reconstruction of the duplicate penis is required depending on the corporal development and anatomy of the urethra.”

Diphallia, a condition where a child is born with two penises, affects one in six million boys.

It was first reported in 1609 by Swiss doctor Johannes Jacob Wecker when he analysed a cadaver.

Since then, only around 1,000 cases have been reported. The condition is not a danger in itself, but can lead to health complications. People with diphallia often experience other congenital defects, including digestive and urinary tract problems.

The two extras had both corpora cavernosum and spongiosum (meaning they theoretically could have attained an erection), but neither had a urethra (making urination impossible).

There was no history of drug abuse during the pregnancy; nor did the family have any history of genetic abnormalities.

In the end, doctors were able to snip off the two extras and stitch the main one up, with no problems, before discharging the patient. A follow-up at one year found he had suffered no adverse effects.

Read more about Triphallia cases

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