Geo-Political review of the Nigeria economy.
By : Ishowo Malik A.
We apparently understand the concept that Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and culturally diverse federation of 36 autonomous states. The political landscape is partly dominated by the ruling All Progressives Congress party which is otherwise and popularly known as (APC) which controls the executive arm of government and holds majority seats at both the Senate and House of Representatives in the parliament, and majority of the States.
However, the General elections to distinctly elect a new president, the federal and state legislators and Governors as well were held in February 25 this year and March 11 respectively and evidently President Muhammadu Buhari will have completed his second term in office by May 29, 2023, and will hand over to the next government and administration.
Moreover, since the year 2011 in those days as we also all understand that the security landscape of the nation has been shaped by the war against Boko Haram and other terrorist groups too numerous to mention in the northeast in addition to the incessant cases of banditry and kidnappings in the north-west and parts of the southwest most particularly. The southeast continues to witness unrest resulting from separatist agitations. Only God can intervene to that.
However, if we look into the economic overview of the economy, we will evidently discover and even understand that high oil prices since 2021 did not boost the performance of the Nigerian economy and has been the case in the past. Rather, macroeconomic stability weakened, amidst declining oil production, a costly petrol subsidy which is consuming a large share of gross oil revenues, exchange rate distortions, monetization of the fiscal deficit, and high inflation. The deteriorating situation of the economy is not inspiring and motivation to still remain in the nation.
Consequentially, the Nigeria economy with all the issues surrounding its atmosphere is not something worthy of applauding or praising its government and administration as well. However the country have been facing enormous challenges that are too numerous to mention.
Apparently, in predominant time the civil workers also regarded as the Civil Servant are consecutively coerced to do certain things that are not convenient for them, which is regarded as a repugnant and a repulsive circumstance.
The increment of workers salary by relatively 40% last week actually seems like a blessing to them, most importantly the teachers working at the federal level, the increment seem to be a blessing to them. Though it an evident situation and circumstance that Doctors and Lecturers were excluded from the salary increment, due to the obviousness that their salary have been increased not barely few months ago.
However, the fervent prayers of government staffs and administrators as well is for the minimum wage proposed arrangement to come into fruition as proposed by the Buhari’s government and administration.
The atmospheric condition of the nation is not fostering to youths at the moment. Imagine a student at the University studying a certain course in school with foresight of getting a dependable and reliable Job. But unfortunately, after the successful completion of school with a good grade, job opportunity is not put into consideration by the Government. However, this case evidently made some young graduates too be relatively involved in “Cyber Crimes” Such as Hacking into online platforms, bank accounts, defrauding the foreigners and other likes. And apparently the government sees this as an an highly committed criminal offence in the nation.
Consequentially the Government didn’t make provision of job opportunities, so why wont all these cyber offences exist in the nation.
The only advice to government is for them to perform the necessary roles and responsibilities to create jobs, most pertinently the youths and graduates as the case may be.
ISHOWO, Malik Ayomide.
Ishowo is a student/ learner / political and media enthusiast based in llorin, Kwara State
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