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OAU Missing in Top List of Best Varsities in Nigeria, as CU, UI, FUTA Rank Best (Full List)


OAU Missing in Top List of Best Varsities in Nigeria, as CU, UI, FUTA Rank Best (Full List)

The Times Higher Education has released the 2024 World universities rankings across 108 countries and regions.

In Nigeria, 29 universities appeared on the list with Covenant University topping the chart .

University of Ibadan comes second while Federal University of Technology, Akure and University of Lagos takes third and fourth positions respectively.

Globally, the University of Oxford tops the ranking for the eighth year in a row but others in the top five have seen shifts in their ranks. Stanford University moves up to second place, pushing Harvard University down to fourth.

This year’s ranking analysed more than 134 million citations across 16.5 million research publications and included survey responses from 68,402 scholars globally. Overall, we collected 411,789 data points from more than 2,673 institutions that submitted data, The Times Higher Education stated.

Here is a list of best Nigerian universities 2024:

  1. Covenant University
  2. University of Ibadan
  3. Federal University of Technology Akure
  4. University of Lagos
  5. Bayero University
  6. University of Ilorin
  7. University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  8. Afe Babalola University
  9. University of Benin
  10. Federal University ofAgriculture, Abeokuta
  11. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
  12. Lagos State University
  13. Nnamdi Azikiwe University
  14. Obafemi Awolowo University
  15. University of Port Harcourt
  16. Abia State University
  17. Akwa Ibom State University
  18. Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike
  19. Babcock University
  20. Baze University
  21. Bells University of Technology
  22. Benson Idahosa University
  23. Delta State University, Abraka
  24. Edo State University, Uzairue
  25. Edwin Clarke University
  26. Elizade University
  27. Evangel University, Akaeze
  28. Federal University of Kashere

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